Channel: Adam Pecoraro
Category: Entertainment
Tags: slimercinemassacrerental reviewsmadeline kahnmonster madnessyoung frankensteinhalloweenclown prankcomedy horrorghostbustersnicolas cage freak outevil reviewfrankensteinadam pecorarouniversal monstersmel brooksfilm reviewpeter boylemarty feldmangene wildermovie reviewteri garrclown scareevil clownmary shelley'sevil reviewschris stuckmann
Description: King BBQ (Adam Pecoraro) reviews Young Frankenstein. This film, directed by Mel Brooks and starring Gene Wilder, is a parody of the classic horror film genre, in particular the various film adaptations of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein produced by Universal Pictures in the 1930s. It doesn't matter if it's Halloween or Christmas or just a casual movie night, this one is good for any occasion. ▶ Like the video and comment! ▶ Subscribe ▶ Click the Notification Bell! #EvilClown #MovieReview #YoungFrankenstein #MelBrooks